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Fresh Nudes - Porn Site Review

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Current location:  Site Review > Fresh Nudes
    Site Information
Fresh Nudes
66.0     ASR score  
0.0     User score  
Total score = 90% of AP + 10% of UP

Fresh Nudes

The unique intertwined relationship of nude models and their skilled photographers.
Total score =
90% of AP +
10% of UP
66.0     ASR score  
0.0     User score  
Classification    Free Site
Content Rate    Softcore
Primary Category   
2nd Categories   
3rd Categories   
Mobile Website   
Keywords    Nude, Images
Language    English
Content Media    Image
Quantity &   
Max Resolution   
photo images not reviewed yet
Exclusive    Yes
Update Period    occasionally
Service Since    10/14/2008

    ASR Official Fact Review of Fresh Nudes
You know there are a lot of moving parts in the creating of a photograph that you would want to jerk off, or a photo that you would want to admire with someone you'd want to jerk off to in it. There is the set designer who puts all the drapes and fruits and all other bullshit in place. There is the grips who help with the lighting situation. Their the ones who work with the lights to control the light and shadow of a particular image. There is the model, the actual spank-terrific reason you showed up in the first place. Then there is the maestro of the entire ordeal, the Photographer.

Freshnudes is a site that gives credit where credit is due. All to often as we flip through the skin rags, or surf through the porno sites we never get a chance to really give recognition to those who bring us those wonderful shots. Fresh Nudes puts not only a name but also a face to those who are behind the lens. This way the artwork that you may have cum to doesn?? seem like an abstraction but the brainchild of a brilliant artist.

The site layout is pretty simple. On the left side of the screen are several links and advertisements. All of these sites are of a like minded nature to Freshnudes. The sites feature beautiful women and poses and as a matter of fact, many of the photos that are featured on come from many of these sites. It's almost like seeing the origins of a comic book.

There are a couple of photographers that you have to make sure that you spend some time viewing as you read this site. Of course there is the heaviest of hitters in the nude industry Petter Hegre. You should spend some time with some of the lesser know artist such as Stanislav Blagenkov. He has a wonderful eye for the erotic. His use of colors and reflections are breath taking. You'll spend more tie with your mouth agape than with your hands cupped looking at his work. It's well worth it. Also there is Lorenzo Renzi who shoots a more classical style. Some of his black and whites are amazing and evoke the feel of the old country Overall this is a fucking fantastic site not only for you to just visit and look but to click and learn. You'll definitely see the different ways that these artists view the world and having so much high quality content available for free has to make you want to pinch yourself.

  • Video Format: N/A
  • Video Size: N/A
  • Ave. Length: N/A
  • Image Format: JPG
  • Image Size: Varies
  • Line Speed: Good
    DESIGN    8 /10
    QUALITY    30 /50
    QUANTITY    20 /30
    SERVICE    3 /5
    PRICE    5 /5
    ASR score Total    66.0

      ASR Official Scores
    DESIGN    8 /10 (for web design, scripts, graphic, navigation, user interface, etc)
    QUALITY    30 /50 (for quality of video & photo, model, props, background, etc)
    QUANTITY    20 /30 (for quantity of contents and service)
    SERVICE    3 /5 (for update, customer support, FAQ, etc))
    PRICE    5 /5 (for comparative price, billing, corss-sale, refund, etc)
    ASR score Total    66.0 (Design + Quality + Quantity + Service + Price)

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