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Arab Street Hookers - Porn Site Review

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Current location:  Site Review > Arab Street Hookers
    Site Information
Arab Street Hookers
70.0     ASR score  
70.0     User score  
Total score = 90% of AP + 10% of UP
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Arab Street Hookers

American studs mercilessly pounding high and mighty Middle-Eastern cock whores into submission.
Total score =
90% of AP +
10% of UP
70.0     ASR score  
70.0     User score  
How to cancel membership: Go to their support page.
Classification    Pay Site
Content Rate    Hardcore
Primary Category   
2nd Categories   
3rd Categories   
Mobile Website   
Keywords    Indian, Reality
Language    English
Content Media    Movie, Image
Quantity &   
Max Resolution   
video 88 videos, 20 max
photo 3,600 images, 10 max
Exclusive    Yes
File Service    Download
Update Period    weekly
Service Since    12/1/2006
Membership Fee   
& Joining Info   
$9.95/1 month one-time charge
$39.95/3 month one-time charge
Payment Method    Credit Card, Check
Billing Company    1. Netbilling   2. Epoch   

    ASR Official Fact Review of Arab Street Hookers
I suppose it's a widely held belief that Middle-Eastern bitches are self-absorbed, princesses that believe it is their right to be pampered and treated like Persian queens. Additionally, one might assume that they find American men contemptible and under normal circumstances, would have nothing to do with them. This site gives these whores a taste of their own medicine along with a healthy dose of good old American horse-cock... let's see who has the last laugh.

Right up front I should tell readers that, as the site itself notes: "Although many of the girls appearing on this site come from Middle Eastern descent not all have Middle Eastern Origins. This site is not a Reality Site and all accounts are purely fictional. We do not condone, recommend nor promote any sort of negative or demeaning racial or sexually demeaning behaviors in any way shape or form." In other words, "don't take anything that's said on Arab Street Hookers" too seriously... it's all just for fun.

Most of the scenes start the same way: a young beautiful woman of Middle-Eastern descent, dressed in some Arabian outfit gets interviewed. Odds are she's royalty or thinks she is and... surprise, surprise... she hates Americans. For one reason or another she ends up fucking, sucking and taking the paste from her new Yankee stud. While the content is 100% original, the guys who run the site get a lot of use out of the same wardrobe pieces over and over so it's not uncommon to see many of these hookers dressed alike.

With the dramatized portion of the scene over, the real action begins and it can get pretty nasty. Some of the girls are more daring than others and there is plenty of cock-gobbling action to get your rocks off. The videos are in one part and are available in a high and low resolution. While there is not a huge difference in download times, the quality of the bigger clip is worth the extra time but even so is not terribly big or clear. All scenes have a set of small screencaps and some have a set of higher rez photos, but I couldn't tell why some did and others didn't.

This site also gets members access to the Incredible Pass network, which has 16 other niche sites, and some of these girls re-appear in other scenes on the other sites. There is definitely a lot of content here and many of the girls are hot. My only real complaint is the quality of the videos, which I wish was better.

  • Video Format: WMV, Streaming Video Size: 352x264 (100%); 460x348 (100%)
  • Ave. Length: 20 min
  • Image Format: JPG
  • Image Size: 460x348 (100%); 600x800
  • Line Speed: Fast
    DESIGN    7 /10
    QUALITY    39 /50
    QUANTITY    18 /30
    SERVICE    3 /5
    PRICE    3 /5
    ASR score Total    70.0

      ASR Official Scores
    DESIGN    7 /10 (for web design, scripts, graphic, navigation, user interface, etc)
    QUALITY    39 /50 (for quality of video & photo, model, props, background, etc)
    QUANTITY    18 /30 (for quantity of contents and service)
    SERVICE    3 /5 (for update, customer support, FAQ, etc))
    PRICE    3 /5 (for comparative price, billing, corss-sale, refund, etc)
    ASR score Total    70.0 (Design + Quality + Quantity + Service + Price)

        Sample Videos
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    porn movie player porn movie sample porn movie player
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    porn movie player porn movie sample porn movie player
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    porn movie
    porn movie player porn movie sample porn movie player
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        Sample Photos
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    porn image sample small
        User Review and Comment
    User score Total 70.0 User Review
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