Be a Cetified Site
Apply To be a Sponsor Site
Then become Certified
Current location: Sponsor Site Application |
Welcome Adult Site Webmasters!
- If your site is not yet linked to ours, please submit your site now. To submit your website click here.
- To become a 'Sponsor Site' you MUST FIRST place an Adult Site Ranking banner on your website which links to us. THIS IS MANDATORY. We suggest you place our bigger banners in prime locations of your Website, in order to increase your chances of being selected as a Sponsor Site.
- Sponsor Sites will be linked from the 'Sponsor Site List Page'. Adult Site Ranking will select a few Websites and put their thumbnail banners in the "ADULTSITE RANKING'S OFFICIAL SPONSOR SITES" section of the [HOME] page. To select thumbnail banner linked sites for inclusion on our HOME page, Adult Site Ranking audits the website and contacts the wbmaster to make a decision.
- A Sponsor Site must operate its Website free of fraudulent activities such as: misdirected links, deceptive pricing, false advertising, hidden script running, excessive pop-ups, duplicated sites with identical contents, irresponsible or unresponsive customer support, etc.
- Selection of Sponsor Sites is at the sole discretion of Adult Site Ranking and we reserve the right to reject any Sponsor Site applications for any reason.
- Adult Site Ranking regularly audits each Sponsor Site on a monthly basis. Following the monthly audit, Adult Site Ranking decides whether or not to renew a Website’s Sponsor Site status.
- To download an Adult Site Ranking banner to place on your Website, please visit our banner warehouse page.

"Being awarded Sponsor Site is your privilege"