- Update: 11/8/2021
- Site Name: FTV Girls
- Description: FTV Girls is the best website for public nudity and object vaginal insertion of beautiful young models for the first time porn video.
- Keyword: art, erotic, explicit, first time video, masturbation, nude in public, young, nude, solo, lesbian
- Movie:
5,186 movies, 1920x1080 max
- Image:
544,600 images, 4928x3280 max
[Click on the picture to see all the samples]

Cutie Teen In Red: Lexi-II - Well, in two years I had already gone over 20! I didn't think I'd actually do it, but I did and it was freaking awesome. It made me learn that being "slutty" isn't a bad thing and to have fun. Being slutty is actually a very positive thing to me and to my life. I remember many many many nights I'd wait until everyone at home was asleep and sneak out to go get laid. I actually snuck guys inside sometimes too and it was very risky but super fun! I really enjoy my body count which is approaching to forty guys. I've been with four girls. Sometimes its kinda hard to find a girl where I live who is into girls but I'm glad I found a couple. they were all good times. To me even if the sex isn't the best, it's always an experience. What I think is pretty ironic is the fact that I grew up in a prtty conservative family. I wasnt even allowed to wear short shorts or tank tops until I got into high school. And if I ever got to bring someone to the house we had to stay in the living room. One time my parents went upstairs for a couple minutes and I actually had sex and made some videos right there in the living room with my little brother in the room. I live for adventurous stuff like that. I guess you could say I rebelled against my familys conservative rules and outlooks and I've never felt so free.

Playful At The Lake: Lacey - I was born July 3rd, Im 21 years old. I am from Oregon born in portland. I lived there till I was in 5th grade then I moved to southern oregon and lived there most of my life. I moved to north carolina last november. I just decided to leave my ex and drive across the country with my dog to live with my best friend, who Ive known for about 12 years now. I am now planning on driving all the way back to Oregon soon with her and our 2 dogs and 2 cats. I love to travel Ive been to Paris, Germany, Mexico and Costa Rica. They were all amazing but Germany and Costa Rica had to be one of my favorites. My first shoot ever was with FTV and I had no idea what to expect honestly. i had never really pictured myself in this type of work, didnt really know much about it till i did it. it ended up being a really good time it was super relaxed shoot. alothough i was a little nervous when i was flashing in public a little exhilarating but still super nerve racking. ive never been the kind of girl to do something crazy like porn but obviously the money behind it was a huge interest. i started this all just to earn enough money to pay for moving back to oregon, i wanted to go see things on the way back like new york and the grand canyon. with the moeny i make i want to be able to buy a house and get more dogs even though living with two is probably enough ive always loved animals so much i want to go to school to be a vet technician. this money that i make through doing porn will put me through school.

Going With The Flow: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Braid Her Hair And: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

Naturally Beautiful: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

Those Sexy Legs: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

First Time Nude: Leah - Hey guys its Leah from Arizona, I have just finished my first experience with you all. Let me tell you... it wasn't what I expected but it was so much more fun then I could have ever imagined! The area I grew up in we did not know anyone who had this kind of fun so I litterally had no idea what to expect walking in or anything. I'm an only child and I come from a very conservative town. I was always considered to be a wild child and i guess this kind of proves it. When I was in school I was all about getting good grades and if you ever wanted to find me I was in the photography lab. I was the photographer for my year book three years in a row. You better believe I put a bunch of pictures of me in there. I also won best hair my senior year. My passsion has always been animals. I have always loved animals, when I was little I had a bunny and always had dogs...now I have my very first dog of my own. She is a rescue and I think the saying is true "Who rescued who"...I can tell you I want to come right back to connect with you again. I love meeting new people, I grew up in a very social enviroment....I usually did all the talking for everyone in my family and at school. Now I get very excited to talk with people that have traveled or are excited about the oppertunity to travel. My first place that I would travel to would be Germany because I've always wanted to go experience Octoberfest. I hear the beer is nothing like what we have here in the states. I always love to check out a new brewery, especially if they have a live band and an energetic vibe that isn't over the top. I also love going to concerts but I havent been able to see too many yet...hopefully that will happen soon! It would be cool if Lia and I went soon to celebrate since she just brought me in under her wing to be apart of this all! She saw me out shooting some pool, which we love to do....and she said I had to come join this FTV Girls family. Can't wait to see you all again, maqybe the first time loosing my virgity I was only 19 but first time loosing my virginity to you all, and I'm 23! Catch you pervs sooner then later I hope!(;

Fashionably Anal: Lexi-II - Well, in two years I had already gone over 20! I didn't think I'd actually do it, but I did and it was freaking awesome. It made me learn that being "slutty" isn't a bad thing and to have fun. Being slutty is actually a very positive thing to me and to my life. I remember many many many nights I'd wait until everyone at home was asleep and sneak out to go get laid. I actually snuck guys inside sometimes too and it was very risky but super fun! I really enjoy my body count which is approaching to forty guys. I've been with four girls. Sometimes its kinda hard to find a girl where I live who is into girls but I'm glad I found a couple. they were all good times. To me even if the sex isn't the best, it's always an experience. What I think is pretty ironic is the fact that I grew up in a prtty conservative family. I wasnt even allowed to wear short shorts or tank tops until I got into high school. And if I ever got to bring someone to the house we had to stay in the living room. One time my parents went upstairs for a couple minutes and I actually had sex and made some videos right there in the living room with my little brother in the room. I live for adventurous stuff like that. I guess you could say I rebelled against my familys conservative rules and outlooks and I've never felt so free.

A Pleasure To See Nude: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

Getting Sexy With The Heels: Kaylie - Hi guys! Its Kaylie, let me tell you how my story began. I was born in the mountains of Colorado and then my parents decided to move to Tennessee. That was totally fine with me because I hate the snow. I personally like wearing my open toed shoes and bikinis and cut offs more so than itchy layers of turtleneck sweaters and boots. Don't you agree? My rocking little body with a Yankee strut packed up my bags and moved down south. It was such a spontaneous decision. I literally decided to move and actually made the move all within a week. That itself is one of the best ways I can describe how much I love adventure. Somehow my wild side got in with the southern belles in the heart of Dixie. I was active in college as a sorority girl and science enthusiast. I balanced myself out with outside activities such as gymnastics, yoga, and crossfit. A fun fact about me is that I was a top competitive gymnast for ten years! Which means I am very flexible. Being super active is really important to me. On long weekends off, I always found my way to an ocean. The beach fuels my soul and is definitely one of my "happy places." Someday my dream is to dip my toes in every body of water that surrounds the world. One time when I was surfing the beaches "yeah that's right I surf" of Southern California, I saw a shark and I swear to God it was a great white! Everyone around me was so terrified. But not me, I thought it was so magical. It makes me want to get certified in scubadiving. I guess I'll have to add that to my bucket list along with African safari, start up a nonprofit for abandoned dogs in Mexico, go to Coachella, paint a mural on the side of LA, and travel the world in a hot air balloon... ha just joking everyone knows hot air balloons don't run off kale. I'm all about that green life if you know what I mean. After that last statement I think this is a wrap. I hope to see all of you dirty pervs on the web someday. Until then cheers! Remember to stay sexy. Much love Kaylie.

Girly Dresses And Bikinis: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Sexy Satin Blue Attire: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Pushing The Public: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Bedside Sensuality: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

A Dildo For Both Ends: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

Bring The Sexy Curves: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

Her Kinky Phase: Ivy - Hey! I'm Ivy and Im 20 years old. I'm a model from Oregon and I am just starting out with the adult industry and I wish every day would be like this one! I just loved how the shoot flowed, I could just be goofy and be myself and that made it fun. That's what I like in any kind of shoot, whether its adult or more artistic stuff. That what I love to shoot also is art modeling. I've always been creative and I love the process of working with someone to make something beautiful. There's so many great photographers I want to work with in porn and in the modeling world! I loved todays shoot for lots of reasons, I love the toys and I got to pee in public! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shoot! Peace!

First Public Shoot: Ivy - Hey! I'm Ivy and Im 20 years old. I'm a model from Oregon and I am just starting out with the adult industry and I wish every day would be like this one! I just loved how the shoot flowed, I could just be goofy and be myself and that made it fun. That's what I like in any kind of shoot, whether its adult or more artistic stuff. That what I love to shoot also is art modeling. I've always been creative and I love the process of working with someone to make something beautiful. There's so many great photographers I want to work with in porn and in the modeling world! I loved todays shoot for lots of reasons, I love the toys and I got to pee in public! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shoot! Peace!

Combat Boots: Ivy - Hey! I'm Ivy and Im 20 years old. I'm a model from Oregon and I am just starting out with the adult industry and I wish every day would be like this one! I just loved how the shoot flowed, I could just be goofy and be myself and that made it fun. That's what I like in any kind of shoot, whether its adult or more artistic stuff. That what I love to shoot also is art modeling. I've always been creative and I love the process of working with someone to make something beautiful. There's so many great photographers I want to work with in porn and in the modeling world! I loved todays shoot for lots of reasons, I love the toys and I got to pee in public! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shoot! Peace!

One More Shoot: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Unpredictable Variety: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Beautifully Slim: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Experimental Styles: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

Lias Photo Series: Leah - Hey guys its Leah from Arizona, I have just finished my first experience with you all. Let me tell you... it wasn't what I expected but it was so much more fun then I could have ever imagined! The area I grew up in we did not know anyone who had this kind of fun so I litterally had no idea what to expect walking in or anything. I'm an only child and I come from a very conservative town. I was always considered to be a wild child and i guess this kind of proves it. When I was in school I was all about getting good grades and if you ever wanted to find me I was in the photography lab. I was the photographer for my year book three years in a row. You better believe I put a bunch of pictures of me in there. I also won best hair my senior year. My passsion has always been animals. I have always loved animals, when I was little I had a bunny and always had dogs...now I have my very first dog of my own. She is a rescue and I think the saying is true "Who rescued who"...I can tell you I want to come right back to connect with you again. I love meeting new people, I grew up in a very social enviroment....I usually did all the talking for everyone in my family and at school. Now I get very excited to talk with people that have traveled or are excited about the oppertunity to travel. My first place that I would travel to would be Germany because I've always wanted to go experience Octoberfest. I hear the beer is nothing like what we have here in the states. I always love to check out a new brewery, especially if they have a live band and an energetic vibe that isn't over the top. I also love going to concerts but I havent been able to see too many yet...hopefully that will happen soon! It would be cool if Lia and I went soon to celebrate since she just brought me in under her wing to be apart of this all! She saw me out shooting some pool, which we love to do....and she said I had to come join this FTV Girls family. Can't wait to see you all again, maqybe the first time loosing my virgity I was only 19 but first time loosing my virginity to you all, and I'm 23! Catch you pervs sooner then later I hope!(;

Pretty In Pink: Leah - Hey guys its Leah from Arizona, I have just finished my first experience with you all. Let me tell you... it wasn't what I expected but it was so much more fun then I could have ever imagined! The area I grew up in we did not know anyone who had this kind of fun so I litterally had no idea what to expect walking in or anything. I'm an only child and I come from a very conservative town. I was always considered to be a wild child and i guess this kind of proves it. When I was in school I was all about getting good grades and if you ever wanted to find me I was in the photography lab. I was the photographer for my year book three years in a row. You better believe I put a bunch of pictures of me in there. I also won best hair my senior year. My passsion has always been animals. I have always loved animals, when I was little I had a bunny and always had dogs...now I have my very first dog of my own. She is a rescue and I think the saying is true "Who rescued who"...I can tell you I want to come right back to connect with you again. I love meeting new people, I grew up in a very social enviroment....I usually did all the talking for everyone in my family and at school. Now I get very excited to talk with people that have traveled or are excited about the oppertunity to travel. My first place that I would travel to would be Germany because I've always wanted to go experience Octoberfest. I hear the beer is nothing like what we have here in the states. I always love to check out a new brewery, especially if they have a live band and an energetic vibe that isn't over the top. I also love going to concerts but I havent been able to see too many yet...hopefully that will happen soon! It would be cool if Lia and I went soon to celebrate since she just brought me in under her wing to be apart of this all! She saw me out shooting some pool, which we love to do....and she said I had to come join this FTV Girls family. Can't wait to see you all again, maqybe the first time loosing my virgity I was only 19 but first time loosing my virginity to you all, and I'm 23! Catch you pervs sooner then later I hope!(;

FTV Style Penetration: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

Exposing Her Privates: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

That Little Teen In Blue: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

Assisting The Sporty Type: Kaylie - Hi guys! Its Kaylie, let me tell you how my story began. I was born in the mountains of Colorado and then my parents decided to move to Tennessee. That was totally fine with me because I hate the snow. I personally like wearing my open toed shoes and bikinis and cut offs more so than itchy layers of turtleneck sweaters and boots. Don't you agree? My rocking little body with a Yankee strut packed up my bags and moved down south. It was such a spontaneous decision. I literally decided to move and actually made the move all within a week. That itself is one of the best ways I can describe how much I love adventure. Somehow my wild side got in with the southern belles in the heart of Dixie. I was active in college as a sorority girl and science enthusiast. I balanced myself out with outside activities such as gymnastics, yoga, and crossfit. A fun fact about me is that I was a top competitive gymnast for ten years! Which means I am very flexible. Being super active is really important to me. On long weekends off, I always found my way to an ocean. The beach fuels my soul and is definitely one of my "happy places." Someday my dream is to dip my toes in every body of water that surrounds the world. One time when I was surfing the beaches "yeah that's right I surf" of Southern California, I saw a shark and I swear to God it was a great white! Everyone around me was so terrified. But not me, I thought it was so magical. It makes me want to get certified in scubadiving. I guess I'll have to add that to my bucket list along with African safari, start up a nonprofit for abandoned dogs in Mexico, go to Coachella, paint a mural on the side of LA, and travel the world in a hot air balloon... ha just joking everyone knows hot air balloons don't run off kale. I'm all about that green life if you know what I mean. After that last statement I think this is a wrap. I hope to see all of you dirty pervs on the web someday. Until then cheers! Remember to stay sexy. Much love Kaylie.

Posing With A Classic: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Actively Fit Woman: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

Cutie Teen In Red: Lexi-II - Well, in two years I had already gone over 20! I didn't think I'd actually do it, but I did and it was freaking awesome. It made me learn that being "slutty" isn't a bad thing and to have fun. Being slutty is actually a very positive thing to me and to my life. I remember many many many nights I'd wait until everyone at home was asleep and sneak out to go get laid. I actually snuck guys inside sometimes too and it was very risky but super fun! I really enjoy my body count which is approaching to forty guys. I've been with four girls. Sometimes its kinda hard to find a girl where I live who is into girls but I'm glad I found a couple. they were all good times. To me even if the sex isn't the best, it's always an experience. What I think is pretty ironic is the fact that I grew up in a prtty conservative family. I wasnt even allowed to wear short shorts or tank tops until I got into high school. And if I ever got to bring someone to the house we had to stay in the living room. One time my parents went upstairs for a couple minutes and I actually had sex and made some videos right there in the living room with my little brother in the room. I live for adventurous stuff like that. I guess you could say I rebelled against my familys conservative rules and outlooks and I've never felt so free.

Playful At The Lake: Lacey - I was born July 3rd, Im 21 years old. I am from Oregon born in portland. I lived there till I was in 5th grade then I moved to southern oregon and lived there most of my life. I moved to north carolina last november. I just decided to leave my ex and drive across the country with my dog to live with my best friend, who Ive known for about 12 years now. I am now planning on driving all the way back to Oregon soon with her and our 2 dogs and 2 cats. I love to travel Ive been to Paris, Germany, Mexico and Costa Rica. They were all amazing but Germany and Costa Rica had to be one of my favorites. My first shoot ever was with FTV and I had no idea what to expect honestly. i had never really pictured myself in this type of work, didnt really know much about it till i did it. it ended up being a really good time it was super relaxed shoot. alothough i was a little nervous when i was flashing in public a little exhilarating but still super nerve racking. ive never been the kind of girl to do something crazy like porn but obviously the money behind it was a huge interest. i started this all just to earn enough money to pay for moving back to oregon, i wanted to go see things on the way back like new york and the grand canyon. with the moeny i make i want to be able to buy a house and get more dogs even though living with two is probably enough ive always loved animals so much i want to go to school to be a vet technician. this money that i make through doing porn will put me through school.

Going With The Flow: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Braid Her Hair And: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

Naturally Beautiful: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

Those Sexy Legs: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

First Time Nude: Leah - Hey guys its Leah from Arizona, I have just finished my first experience with you all. Let me tell you... it wasn't what I expected but it was so much more fun then I could have ever imagined! The area I grew up in we did not know anyone who had this kind of fun so I litterally had no idea what to expect walking in or anything. I'm an only child and I come from a very conservative town. I was always considered to be a wild child and i guess this kind of proves it. When I was in school I was all about getting good grades and if you ever wanted to find me I was in the photography lab. I was the photographer for my year book three years in a row. You better believe I put a bunch of pictures of me in there. I also won best hair my senior year. My passsion has always been animals. I have always loved animals, when I was little I had a bunny and always had dogs...now I have my very first dog of my own. She is a rescue and I think the saying is true "Who rescued who"...I can tell you I want to come right back to connect with you again. I love meeting new people, I grew up in a very social enviroment....I usually did all the talking for everyone in my family and at school. Now I get very excited to talk with people that have traveled or are excited about the oppertunity to travel. My first place that I would travel to would be Germany because I've always wanted to go experience Octoberfest. I hear the beer is nothing like what we have here in the states. I always love to check out a new brewery, especially if they have a live band and an energetic vibe that isn't over the top. I also love going to concerts but I havent been able to see too many yet...hopefully that will happen soon! It would be cool if Lia and I went soon to celebrate since she just brought me in under her wing to be apart of this all! She saw me out shooting some pool, which we love to do....and she said I had to come join this FTV Girls family. Can't wait to see you all again, maqybe the first time loosing my virgity I was only 19 but first time loosing my virginity to you all, and I'm 23! Catch you pervs sooner then later I hope!(;

Fashionably Anal: Lexi-II - Well, in two years I had already gone over 20! I didn't think I'd actually do it, but I did and it was freaking awesome. It made me learn that being "slutty" isn't a bad thing and to have fun. Being slutty is actually a very positive thing to me and to my life. I remember many many many nights I'd wait until everyone at home was asleep and sneak out to go get laid. I actually snuck guys inside sometimes too and it was very risky but super fun! I really enjoy my body count which is approaching to forty guys. I've been with four girls. Sometimes its kinda hard to find a girl where I live who is into girls but I'm glad I found a couple. they were all good times. To me even if the sex isn't the best, it's always an experience. What I think is pretty ironic is the fact that I grew up in a prtty conservative family. I wasnt even allowed to wear short shorts or tank tops until I got into high school. And if I ever got to bring someone to the house we had to stay in the living room. One time my parents went upstairs for a couple minutes and I actually had sex and made some videos right there in the living room with my little brother in the room. I live for adventurous stuff like that. I guess you could say I rebelled against my familys conservative rules and outlooks and I've never felt so free.

A Pleasure To See Nude: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

Getting Sexy With The Heels: Kaylie - Hi guys! Its Kaylie, let me tell you how my story began. I was born in the mountains of Colorado and then my parents decided to move to Tennessee. That was totally fine with me because I hate the snow. I personally like wearing my open toed shoes and bikinis and cut offs more so than itchy layers of turtleneck sweaters and boots. Don't you agree? My rocking little body with a Yankee strut packed up my bags and moved down south. It was such a spontaneous decision. I literally decided to move and actually made the move all within a week. That itself is one of the best ways I can describe how much I love adventure. Somehow my wild side got in with the southern belles in the heart of Dixie. I was active in college as a sorority girl and science enthusiast. I balanced myself out with outside activities such as gymnastics, yoga, and crossfit. A fun fact about me is that I was a top competitive gymnast for ten years! Which means I am very flexible. Being super active is really important to me. On long weekends off, I always found my way to an ocean. The beach fuels my soul and is definitely one of my "happy places." Someday my dream is to dip my toes in every body of water that surrounds the world. One time when I was surfing the beaches "yeah that's right I surf" of Southern California, I saw a shark and I swear to God it was a great white! Everyone around me was so terrified. But not me, I thought it was so magical. It makes me want to get certified in scubadiving. I guess I'll have to add that to my bucket list along with African safari, start up a nonprofit for abandoned dogs in Mexico, go to Coachella, paint a mural on the side of LA, and travel the world in a hot air balloon... ha just joking everyone knows hot air balloons don't run off kale. I'm all about that green life if you know what I mean. After that last statement I think this is a wrap. I hope to see all of you dirty pervs on the web someday. Until then cheers! Remember to stay sexy. Much love Kaylie.

Girly Dresses And Bikinis: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Sexy Satin Blue Attire: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Pushing The Public: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Bedside Sensuality: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

A Dildo For Both Ends: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

Bring The Sexy Curves: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.

Her Kinky Phase: Ivy - Hey! I'm Ivy and Im 20 years old. I'm a model from Oregon and I am just starting out with the adult industry and I wish every day would be like this one! I just loved how the shoot flowed, I could just be goofy and be myself and that made it fun. That's what I like in any kind of shoot, whether its adult or more artistic stuff. That what I love to shoot also is art modeling. I've always been creative and I love the process of working with someone to make something beautiful. There's so many great photographers I want to work with in porn and in the modeling world! I loved todays shoot for lots of reasons, I love the toys and I got to pee in public! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shoot! Peace!

First Public Shoot: Ivy - Hey! I'm Ivy and Im 20 years old. I'm a model from Oregon and I am just starting out with the adult industry and I wish every day would be like this one! I just loved how the shoot flowed, I could just be goofy and be myself and that made it fun. That's what I like in any kind of shoot, whether its adult or more artistic stuff. That what I love to shoot also is art modeling. I've always been creative and I love the process of working with someone to make something beautiful. There's so many great photographers I want to work with in porn and in the modeling world! I loved todays shoot for lots of reasons, I love the toys and I got to pee in public! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shoot! Peace!

Combat Boots: Ivy - Hey! I'm Ivy and Im 20 years old. I'm a model from Oregon and I am just starting out with the adult industry and I wish every day would be like this one! I just loved how the shoot flowed, I could just be goofy and be myself and that made it fun. That's what I like in any kind of shoot, whether its adult or more artistic stuff. That what I love to shoot also is art modeling. I've always been creative and I love the process of working with someone to make something beautiful. There's so many great photographers I want to work with in porn and in the modeling world! I loved todays shoot for lots of reasons, I love the toys and I got to pee in public! Anyways, I hope you guys love my shoot! Peace!

One More Shoot: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Unpredictable Variety: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Beautifully Slim: Charity - Hey guys! So excited that I got to shoot with FTV! Some of my friends have shot for FTV and I always loved their pictures and they had fun stories and I can see why now. I felt like I got to be myself today, which is really cool, like you guys got to see how much I love bagels! Lol (I really do). I cant even count how many orgasms I had today. Definitely more than 5 and some of those toys should could for 2! Damn! Im going to have to find me that brown toy :) I loved shooting outside too! Well, inside sort of, the pet store was hilarious to me! I don't even know what I was doing in there I never do that kind of stuff haha! The lady at the big store definitely saw me doing something naughty, my photographer caught the funniest pic of it. Anyways, thanks for a great day guys and I really hope you enjoy it!

Experimental Styles: Winter - Hi everyone, I had such a fun time doing my first time video. I am 20 years old and new to this indusry. I am from a very small town in the upper midwest where a lot of things were considered taboo. Masturbating, being intimate, even giving your significant other a kiss if you were not married was considered taboo. Growing up my parents were not married and my grandmother would not allow them to sleep in the same room since they were not married. I've lived a very sheltered life in hometown but my hometown is my hometown and it is still my favorite place to be, especailly during the summer to go tubing down the river. Growing up I was always ariound animals, I was apart of the local saddle club, helped out on the farm. I still spend more time with animals than i do people. I love going out to the barn back home and sitting with chickens and watching them. I have one pet currently, I would love a lot more! My cat's name is Thomas O'Malley (from Disney's Aristocats, get it? :)), he is my support animal. He's had a lot of issues growing up and so have I but we've always had to each other. Currently, I am studying biology. Science is by far my favorite subject and always have been, that and math! I am working on gertting my degree to be a virologist, I eventually want to work on the CDC's response team for when an outbreaks occurs. I also have a huge interest in Philosophy and would like to study that more as well. My favorite philosopher by far is Plato, I've always loved his work since I first had an interest. His "Power of Knowledge" theory is one of my favorites. I am also a very big music lover, my playlist ranges from rock, EDM, country all the way back to classical. Music is my therapy, I listen to it when I am stressed, happy, working, really any time I am able too.

Lias Photo Series: Leah - Hey guys its Leah from Arizona, I have just finished my first experience with you all. Let me tell you... it wasn't what I expected but it was so much more fun then I could have ever imagined! The area I grew up in we did not know anyone who had this kind of fun so I litterally had no idea what to expect walking in or anything. I'm an only child and I come from a very conservative town. I was always considered to be a wild child and i guess this kind of proves it. When I was in school I was all about getting good grades and if you ever wanted to find me I was in the photography lab. I was the photographer for my year book three years in a row. You better believe I put a bunch of pictures of me in there. I also won best hair my senior year. My passsion has always been animals. I have always loved animals, when I was little I had a bunny and always had dogs...now I have my very first dog of my own. She is a rescue and I think the saying is true "Who rescued who"...I can tell you I want to come right back to connect with you again. I love meeting new people, I grew up in a very social enviroment....I usually did all the talking for everyone in my family and at school. Now I get very excited to talk with people that have traveled or are excited about the oppertunity to travel. My first place that I would travel to would be Germany because I've always wanted to go experience Octoberfest. I hear the beer is nothing like what we have here in the states. I always love to check out a new brewery, especially if they have a live band and an energetic vibe that isn't over the top. I also love going to concerts but I havent been able to see too many yet...hopefully that will happen soon! It would be cool if Lia and I went soon to celebrate since she just brought me in under her wing to be apart of this all! She saw me out shooting some pool, which we love to do....and she said I had to come join this FTV Girls family. Can't wait to see you all again, maqybe the first time loosing my virgity I was only 19 but first time loosing my virginity to you all, and I'm 23! Catch you pervs sooner then later I hope!(;

Pretty In Pink: Leah - Hey guys its Leah from Arizona, I have just finished my first experience with you all. Let me tell you... it wasn't what I expected but it was so much more fun then I could have ever imagined! The area I grew up in we did not know anyone who had this kind of fun so I litterally had no idea what to expect walking in or anything. I'm an only child and I come from a very conservative town. I was always considered to be a wild child and i guess this kind of proves it. When I was in school I was all about getting good grades and if you ever wanted to find me I was in the photography lab. I was the photographer for my year book three years in a row. You better believe I put a bunch of pictures of me in there. I also won best hair my senior year. My passsion has always been animals. I have always loved animals, when I was little I had a bunny and always had dogs...now I have my very first dog of my own. She is a rescue and I think the saying is true "Who rescued who"...I can tell you I want to come right back to connect with you again. I love meeting new people, I grew up in a very social enviroment....I usually did all the talking for everyone in my family and at school. Now I get very excited to talk with people that have traveled or are excited about the oppertunity to travel. My first place that I would travel to would be Germany because I've always wanted to go experience Octoberfest. I hear the beer is nothing like what we have here in the states. I always love to check out a new brewery, especially if they have a live band and an energetic vibe that isn't over the top. I also love going to concerts but I havent been able to see too many yet...hopefully that will happen soon! It would be cool if Lia and I went soon to celebrate since she just brought me in under her wing to be apart of this all! She saw me out shooting some pool, which we love to do....and she said I had to come join this FTV Girls family. Can't wait to see you all again, maqybe the first time loosing my virgity I was only 19 but first time loosing my virginity to you all, and I'm 23! Catch you pervs sooner then later I hope!(;

FTV Style Penetration: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

Exposing Her Privates: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

That Little Teen In Blue: Lexi - I was born in 1997, in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I was actually adopted at the age of two. I was adopted into a family of 3 my mom, dad, and brother. When i was seven, my mom had another son and then i had two brothers. we all lived in rocky mount up until i was reaching middle school then we actually moved to a small town called middlesex. Middlesex was my favorite place ive lived in. out in the country, lots of space and trees to climb. i had a best friend that lived three houses down from me. Shes how i found out i was into girls, actually. The two of us used to have sleep overs and fool around almost every time we were together. i remeber one time when we were at her familys barbeque, and they had a pool. That day was the first time I'd ever felt her body completely. i remember holding my breathe and going down into the pool and actually licking her down there. It was kind hard to keep water from going in my mouth but it was super fun and daring and she seemed to enjoy it. That was the first time that Id gone down on a girl and for it to be my best friend on top of that (literally) was super fun and cool to me. We would also all the time "practice kissing" thats what we called it back then but we did it so much. Literally every time we hung out which was almost daily we would make out and rub up on each other. it was pretty great if you ask me. We got into the whole webcam thing online and always got on those sites and made out in front of the camera and casually touched each other. She always told me that she had a huge crush on me and I felt it back too but didnt wanna admit that i was into girls also as well as guys. But damn i loved being with a girl. I don't know which was my favorite. Guy or girl? They're both pretty great! I'd have to give her credit for awakening my deep sexual side. she got me into masturbating. we had hang out sessions where we would just fuck each other with the handles on our hairbrushes and also highlighters. I could fit the higlighter sometimes even two. But I remember it hurt for one with her but I got her to take two a couple of times! I kept those under my mattress for easy access. This was all about from about the age of nine to maybe thirteen. It was always super fun and sensual, even at a young age! Surely do miss those days. Unfortunately though my mom decided she wanted to move us back up to Rocky Mount and my friend and I kinda lost what we had but sometimes good things do have to come to an end. After moving back to Rocky mount I made friends with a girl i was going to school with who was into girls and come to find out, she lived within 5 minutes walking distance from me. So, we started hanging out and I asked her if there was any way that shed be into girls at all, and I got so lucky! She was. I actually fell in love with this girl. We always kissed and held hands at school and I was so open about my sexuality thanks to her. We lived in Rocky Mount again for a year and a half I think and we decided to move to a city called Greenville, North Carolina. Moving there was pretty rad. I lost my virginity at sixteen once I moved there. Opened up alot of options for me as well. I started adventuring with my sexual side. I actually have a friend who made a bet with me that I could or couldn't have sex with twenty guys before I graduated.

Assisting The Sporty Type: Kaylie - Hi guys! Its Kaylie, let me tell you how my story began. I was born in the mountains of Colorado and then my parents decided to move to Tennessee. That was totally fine with me because I hate the snow. I personally like wearing my open toed shoes and bikinis and cut offs more so than itchy layers of turtleneck sweaters and boots. Don't you agree? My rocking little body with a Yankee strut packed up my bags and moved down south. It was such a spontaneous decision. I literally decided to move and actually made the move all within a week. That itself is one of the best ways I can describe how much I love adventure. Somehow my wild side got in with the southern belles in the heart of Dixie. I was active in college as a sorority girl and science enthusiast. I balanced myself out with outside activities such as gymnastics, yoga, and crossfit. A fun fact about me is that I was a top competitive gymnast for ten years! Which means I am very flexible. Being super active is really important to me. On long weekends off, I always found my way to an ocean. The beach fuels my soul and is definitely one of my "happy places." Someday my dream is to dip my toes in every body of water that surrounds the world. One time when I was surfing the beaches "yeah that's right I surf" of Southern California, I saw a shark and I swear to God it was a great white! Everyone around me was so terrified. But not me, I thought it was so magical. It makes me want to get certified in scubadiving. I guess I'll have to add that to my bucket list along with African safari, start up a nonprofit for abandoned dogs in Mexico, go to Coachella, paint a mural on the side of LA, and travel the world in a hot air balloon... ha just joking everyone knows hot air balloons don't run off kale. I'm all about that green life if you know what I mean. After that last statement I think this is a wrap. I hope to see all of you dirty pervs on the web someday. Until then cheers! Remember to stay sexy. Much love Kaylie.

Posing With A Classic: Cecilia-II - So we start the second day with her cutest outfit, the sky blue dress and satin strappy heels; and we decide to get risky and shoot at a busy resort. She's a lot more confident on this second day of shooting, and is coming to learn how to pose, move her figure, and so on. Understand that this resort was full of people, but we tried to go to areas where there were more men sitting about than women. Even so, employees of all kinds would take note of what we were doing. I expected at some point that security would be called on us, and it did after a significant time had passed; so we did get luckier than normal (and even more lucky with how Lia, who was present diffused the situation afterwards off camera -- the manager lady was threatening to have Cecilia arrested). In the beginning, at the lounge area, the guys were cool with it, and Cecilia was flashing in all sorts of ways, even getting more frisky with fingering and spreading -- going beyond the usual upskirt and breast teases. It gets more daring in the reception area, then that sitting area in the balcony, but we were good all the way to when she had her orgasm. One way or another, Cecilia had a exhilarating experience and it gave her that 'adrenaline rush'. This blue dress scene was planned to be her introduction, but we shifted it to be a feature of her part 2 update. We then get back home safely, and she takes those sexy satin heels off... giving one a blowjob, then spreading herself with them, and penetrating herself vaginally. It gets kinkier when she takes a second heel, and pushes it in her anally, ending up double penetrating herself with her heels. Kinky & sexy for sure... Keeping up with the dress & heels theme with this update, we enjoy watching her play pool in her super sexy dress and gold heels. Of course, it slowly becomes a teaser session, exposing those glorious breasts and her firm butt. It leads to more masturbation, with a good angle to get her strong vaginal contractions on orgasm. Two separate videos get the action. We are back out again, and she's wearing a rather exotic pair of light pants and just a bra (which was her mom's by the way) and she starts dancing on location to the music in the background. It's one of those restoration garages, which stores & restores classic cars. We got access to it and had her pose with the classic red firetruck, getting naked and fingering herself. That girl is always wet and juicy... So no lube required when she pushes that big portable magic wand head into her vagina, and starts fucking herself with it. She ends up having another orgasm (losing track of how many she's had over the weekend!) and when she pulls it out above me, some of her juices drip onto my arm. She rubs the rest onto her nipple. The last video is a sort-of outtake where Lia took over the shooting, and did a little dressup scene, trying on different biknis, and playing with a glass toy. Now she's supposedly got a cute friend that also has big breasts like hers back in Ohio, so I'm hoping to encourage the friend to come, and we can continue this busty trend...

Actively Fit Woman: Cecilia - I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself and my background. Basically I'm going to talk about high school, family, sports, hobbies, traveling, outdoors, college, modeling, etc. I started high at the age of 14. I was very very shy throughout my high school. Never in a million years did I think was going to be modeling and videos! I absolutely love what I do now. I've come out of my shell a lot, as you can tell.
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