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A Sex Stories - Porn Site Review

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Current location:  Site Review > A Sex Stories
    Site Information
A Sex Stories
59.0     ASR score  
90.0     User score  
Total score = 90% of AP + 10% of UP

A Sex Stories

Smoldering hot sex story stimulate your crotch and your brain stem
Total score =
90% of AP +
10% of UP
59.0     ASR score  
90.0     User score  
Classification    Adult Information Site
Content Rate    Unrated
Primary Category   
2nd Categories   
3rd Categories   
Mobile Website   
Keywords    Sex Stories, Links
Language    English
Content Media    Adult Info
Exclusive    Yes
Update Period    occasionally
Service Since    10/21/2008

    ASR Official Fact Review of A Sex Stories
Great googa mooga if you could make story time like this every single adult on the planet would line up for kindergarten. We've heard all the little tales when we were a kid: The Little Engine that Could, the Boy who cried Wolf, Little Boy Blue, See Spot Run... These are classics. The kind of stories that you'll tell you your children, but otherwise you won't be bothered with. As you get older you'll want some thing that combines responsibility and pornography... Okay, Okay, there isn't much responsibility there either! is a fucking AWESOME sex stories site. In a world where every single kink that you might THINK of having has its own website and a thousand videos to boot, might leave you thinking that you shouldn't spend a bunch of time on a stories site. Oh wow how you'd be wrong. Having paged through several stories on A Sex Stories, we can attest that the written word can, indeed give you a stiffy.

There are quite a few Sex Story sites out there on the web. Each of them have their own things to make them unique. First off has photo content from other sites. You'll be able to access the photographs of women stuffing their slits with hot meaty cocks while reading about the hot nurses fucking their patients and going down on each other. Another great feature of the site is the rating system. This allows for the readers of the sites to rate each other. The more stars a story has the better the experience you'll probably have reading it. The last thing that kicks quite a bit of ass about is the organization of the stories. They've got 18 categories of stories for you to choose from . This allows you to get very specific about all of your porno needs.

Overall, going to will be a kick ass experience for you. You'll love the organization, the photos that are updated daily, and the quality of the tales that are told. Tossing your sausage to the written word has never been more awesome!

DESIGN    5 /10
QUALITY    32 /50
QUANTITY    16 /30
SERVICE    3 /5
PRICE    3 /5
ASR score Total    59.0

  ASR Official Scores
DESIGN    5 /10 (for web design, scripts, graphic, navigation, user interface, etc)
QUALITY    32 /50 (for quality of video & photo, model, props, background, etc)
QUANTITY    16 /30 (for quantity of contents and service)
SERVICE    3 /5 (for update, customer support, FAQ, etc))
PRICE    3 /5 (for comparative price, billing, corss-sale, refund, etc)
ASR score Total    59.0 (Design + Quality + Quantity + Service + Price)

    User Review and Comment
User score Total 90.0 User Review
nice site with huge amount of erotic stories. 

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