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Richard's Realm - Porn Site Review

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    Site Information
Richard's Realm
67.0     ASR score  
0.0     User score  
Total score = 90% of AP + 10% of UP

Richard's Realm

Richard's Realm is a simple site that's been around since 1996! Good Reviews, GREAT Content.
Total score =
90% of AP +
10% of UP
67.0     ASR score  
0.0     User score  
Classification    Adult Information Site
Content Rate    Softcore
Primary Category   
2nd Categories   
3rd Categories   
Mobile Website   
Keywords    Review, Ranking
Language    English
Content Media    Adult Info
Exclusive    No
Update Period    10 days
Service Since    6/1/2002

    ASR Official Fact Review of Richard's Realm
WOW a porn site that's not a mega site that's been around since 1996. This is the comfortable old shoe of porn sites. It looks to have had several incarnations over time and has evolved into a nice clean simple site that you can get your porn reviews as well as your porn previews.

Several of the porn sites that you'll see will make use of the many features that Web2.0 has to offer. You'll see fancy menu screens. Cool Tables, Fancy art. Blah Blah Blah. Richards Realm has none of that. Its a simple bare bones site that gives you plenty of awesome bang for the buck.

As for a Review Site, Richard's Realm is pretty straight forward. There are about a few hundred or a few thousand sites (the site doesn't list all of the sites reviewed but it looks to be quite substantial). Each review has a ten point grading system base on 10 different classifications:

Content Quality:
Overall Quality:
Design / Nav:
Value For Money:
Member Support:

As for the actual experiential portion each review has a has several sections that are standard for every review as well. A summary, General (gives an over view), Content (Tells you a bit about the type and the exclusivity of the content available), Video Section (how the videos are presented), Picture Galleries (How the pictures are presented) updates (frequency and types of content updates) then this is followed up with a quantitative analysis of the different types of media on the site (file sizes, types, ETC)

The reviews themselves are pretty informative. You will definitely get a sense of the site. What is missing is a bit of passion or humor. But most people aren't necessarily looking for that in their porn sites. This feels closer to a catalog of porn reviews rather than a Maxim Magazine article. You won't get a sense of the author reading these pieces.

What else is great about the site is the connection to the other Richard's Realm portions of the sites. They have links to free sites and every day they have an updated list of thumbnail galleries. You want to preview a new photo or video set BOOM its on the site. There is also a jokes section, and forum section. This is a pretty comprehensive porn site. Overall this site may appear to be amateur hour, and looks like a wack site, but the content underneath is quite strong for a review site. It's like one of those old beat up fords that someone put a 5.0 mustang engine into.

  • Video Format: N/A
  • Video Size: N/A
  • Ave. Length: N/A
  • Image Format: JPG
  • Image Size: Varies
  • Line Speed: Good
    DESIGN    6 /10
    QUALITY    30 /50
    QUANTITY    21 /30
    SERVICE    5 /5
    PRICE    5 /5
    ASR score Total    67.0

      ASR Official Scores
    DESIGN    6 /10 (for web design, scripts, graphic, navigation, user interface, etc)
    QUALITY    30 /50 (for quality of video & photo, model, props, background, etc)
    QUANTITY    21 /30 (for quantity of contents and service)
    SERVICE    5 /5 (for update, customer support, FAQ, etc))
    PRICE    5 /5 (for comparative price, billing, corss-sale, refund, etc)
    ASR score Total    67.0 (Design + Quality + Quantity + Service + Price)

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