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Sex Project - Porn Site Review

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    Site Information
Sex Project
69.0     ASR score  
0.0     User score  
Total score = 90% of AP + 10% of UP

Sex Project

This is a website and message board that focuses mainly on topics of sex and fetishism.
Total score =
90% of AP +
10% of UP
69.0     ASR score  
0.0     User score  
Classification    Adult Information Site
Content Rate    Softcore
Primary Category   
2nd Categories   
3rd Categories   
Mobile Website   
Keywords    sexuality, community
Language    English
Content Media    Adult Info
Exclusive    Yes
Update Period    occasionally
Service Since    10/13/2008

    ASR Official Fact Review of Sex Project
Think back to eighth grade. You and your friends are sitting around in a circle giggling about little rumors that you've heard about sex. "If you stand up you can't get pregnant." "Boys have cooties" "Girls have cooties." "If you run around a barn three times naked yelling like a rooster you will make girls like you." Whatever the misconception was you had a group of just as uninformed friends telling you that what you said was right.

Now imagine that scenario times 10. Then also imagine that most of that information is correct instead of the crazy nonsense that you got on the playground. Taking all of that into consideration then you arrive at the website Sex-project is combination of comprehensive sexual answer center and message board. It allow users from around the globe to peacefully gather and discuss issues of sex and sexuality. There is a certain kinship in learning that you're not the only person that obsesses over a woman's ears and neck.

The look of the site is pretty basic. You have a menu on the left side of the screen that has dozens of categories for you to select. Then in the center block you have the content. The far right of the screen is reserved for sexual advertisements. The content is a bit of a mixture. Some of the pages will be part of the forum. You can submit questions and experiences then folks either comment or share how things are in their world. Then there are the pages that are just gluts of researched information. Both sides have their merits and it is the gift to us as viewers that this site does share both sides of that story.

Now when you get on this site in order for you to read most of the articles and participate in the forums you must register with the system. Registration is free and they only require that you be over 13 years old which should let you know about the type of content that you are to expect. There aren't many, if not any photos for you to examine that are of an adult nature. Even the written content doesn't get TOO off the beaten path. All of the participants seem to be very humane, and the boards are well policed.

In conclusion is a good site for those who are looking for information or looking to build a community. Actually it's probably more of the latter than the former. This is a community site with some information would be the correct way to describe it. Once you log in you'll be amongst those hobbyists who have some of the same shared interests as you no matter what those interests would be. The message being, you are not alone. You are not the only thing that enjoys this obscure thing about a woman or a man's body. Sometimes that feeling is enough for someone to have a great night.

  • Video Format: N/A
  • Video Size: N/A
  • Ave. Length: N/A
  • Image Format: JPG
  • Image Size: Varies
  • Line Speed: Good
    DESIGN    7 /10
    QUALITY    33 /50
    QUANTITY    21 /30
    SERVICE    3 /5
    PRICE    5 /5
    ASR score Total    69.0

      ASR Official Scores
    DESIGN    7 /10 (for web design, scripts, graphic, navigation, user interface, etc)
    QUALITY    33 /50 (for quality of video & photo, model, props, background, etc)
    QUANTITY    21 /30 (for quantity of contents and service)
    SERVICE    3 /5 (for update, customer support, FAQ, etc))
    PRICE    5 /5 (for comparative price, billing, corss-sale, refund, etc)
    ASR score Total    69.0 (Design + Quality + Quantity + Service + Price)

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